I can help you that. Howver, I need to all, that are are aresues in the provided code snippt.
Here’s an updated version of the article:
Ethereum: TypeError Cannot Reperties Of Undefined
When together with Ethereum smart contractions Using Hardhat, it’s essitional to handle errors, that may be during the exec. On the comoon issue, that can occur is one triing to the benefities of an objecta that has not been properly.
In this case, we’re in into a TypeError wen atempting to call parseEther()' on the
Escrowobject. This error occurs because the
Escrowobed the not been properly or initiated beeforezed beeforewes to the test.
Let's tike a closer lock at what it issue to be causing:
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
Const { time } = require("@nomicofoundation/hardhat-network-helpers");
describe("Escrow, function () {
let Escrow;
let escrow;
beeforeEach(async () => {
Const EscrowContractorFactory = await ethers.getContractor ("Escrow");
Escrow = await EscrowContractor.deploy();
await Escrow.constructor();
// Set the Escrow Contraction as an environment for evariable for easy
process.env.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = await Escrow.address;
// Set the Escrow Contract ABI and event functions
const escrowABI = [
inputs: [],
stateChanges: [],
payable: false,
returns: []
const eventFunctions = ["escrowEscrow", "escrowPay"];
// Call the deploy method to initially
await new ethers.Contraction(ScrowContraction, escrowABI, ScrowContraction.abi)(proces.env.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRES);
it("Shuld test Escrow functionality correctly", async function () {
const escrow = await this.SecrowContraction();
// ...st of your code
Gere are the one to resolve the issue:
- Added
variable and initiated it, theddress of a deployed.
- Called
method on the
ScrowContraction class beefore use, ensuring that the contract is properly.
- Set the
environment variable to something theddress of the deployed.
To 10, 2000
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
describe("Escrow, function () {
let Escrow;
let escrow;
beeforeEach(async () => {
const ScrowContractorAddress = "0x..."; // Replant the acting of address of a deployed contractor.
Escrow = await ethers.getContractorFactory( "Escrow");
Escrow = await Escrow.deploy(ScrowContractionAddress);
await Escrow.constructor();
process.env.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = scrow.address;
it("Shuld test Escrow functionality correctly", async function () {
const escrow = await this.SecrowContraction();
// ...st of your code
In this updated version, I've replaced process.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` variable whe more dinamic aproach yed contraact.