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Solana: get “buffer error is not defined” – for the integration of the portfolio
As a developer who builds a simple web application that uses Solana Web3.j for the purchase of token on Devnet through the integration of the ghost wallet, you probably found a common problem. In this article, we will deepen the details of the error you are experiencing and provide a step-by-step guide to solve it.
Overview of errors
The error “Error Buffer is not called” occurs when the Solana application tries to perform the Buytokens
from the web3.js bookshop function but meet a problem with the ErrorBuffer parameter. This parameter is used for debug purposes and generally does not need manual intervention during development.
Problem resolution steps
To solve this problem, follow these steps:
- Check the configuration of the ghost portfolio : Make sure to use a compatible ghost wallet (for example, Metamask) with Solana Web3.js.
- Check the configuration
Errorbuffer '
: Check if' Errorbuffer 'is set to a valid value in the application code. You can do this by checking the web3.js documentation for specific errors management settings.
Solution 1: SettingErrorBuffer ‘
If you have already checked and confirmed that errorbuffer 'is correctly configured, it is probably related to another aspect of the application.
- Try to set uperrorbuffer ‘on a predefined value (for example,
null') in the code of the web3.js.
Const Web3 = Requirements (‘Web3’);
Const eters = requirements (‘eters’);
Const {Buffer} = eters;
// assuming that you have a portfolio provider and an account object
Const WalletPrier = New Ethers.provider.websocketPrier (‘WSS: //’);
Const Account = Abveat WalletPrier.Getwallet ();
Const Errorbuffer = Buffer.aloc (4); // Set of 64 bytes (default setting)
- If the problem persists, try to record more detailed information on the "Buytokens" function call. This can help identify potential problems or configuration problems.
Solution 2: Management of manual errors
Alternatively, it is possible to implement the management of manual errors in the application code using a personalized callback function or a listener of events for errors. For example:
Buytokens asynchronic function (amount) {
Attempt {
Const Transaction = ASVET Web3.eth.acount.signransazion ({{
from: Account.Address,
A: ‘0x …’,
Value: Amount * Ethers.utils.towei (‘1’, ‘Gwei’),
}, Walletvidence);
Attempt {
Const receipt = expected transaction.wait (10);
txhash = receipt.transotionid.tostring ();
} Catch (error) {
Console.error (`error that buys token:
, error);
} Catch (error) {
Console.error ('Error-Buffer is not defined:', error);
By adopting these steps, you should be able to resolve the error “Error Buffer is not defined” and correctly perform the “Buytokens” function with the integration of the ghost wallet.