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Finding Coin Market Cap or Rank Using Binance API
When building a cryptocurrency application, it is important to have access to up-to-date market data. Binance API is one such platform that provides access to various financial data including market cap and rank for cryptocurrencies.
In this article, you will learn how to get the market cap or market cap rank of a coin using Binance C
API in a .NET application.
The Problem
As you have already noticed, Binance C
API does not provide a built-in feature to get the market cap or rank of a specific cryptocurrency. You have to manually query the API for this information.
To achieve this, we will use the List Coins endpoint, which allows you to get a list of all the coins on the Binance exchange. We then loop through each coin and make an additional request using the “GetCoin” endpoint to get the market cap or rank data for that particular coin.
Example Code
Here’s some example code to get us started:
Using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text.Json;
using Binance.Net;
public class MarketCapRequest
public String Symbol { get; aSet; }
public async Task
var request = new HttpClient().PostAsync(”
new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new ListCoinsRequest()), Encoding.UTF8, “application/json”));
await request.Content.ReadFromTaskAsync();
var marketCaps = waiting GetMarketCapsAsyncFromResponse(request);
public async Task
var listCoinsResponse = WaitingForResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var listCoins = JsonSerializer.Deserialize
var marketCaps = new List
foreach (var coin in listCoins)
var request = new MarketCapRequest { Symbol = Coin.Symbol };
var MarketCapResponse = WaitingForGetMarketCapsAsyncFromCoinRequest(request);
if (marketCapResponse != null)
public async task
var url = ” + request.Symbol;
var requestUrl = $”
using var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(requestUrl);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize
Console.WriteLine($”Could not get market cap for {request.Symbol}: {response.StatusCode}”);
return null;
How it works
The GetMarketCapsAsync method creates a new list of coins and loops through each coin, making an additional request via the GetCoin endpoint to get the market cap or rank data. If successful, the response is added by the GetMarketCapsAsyncFromCoinRequest method.
Note that we use the ListCoinsResponse variable to get a list of all the coins on the Binance exchange. We then loop through each coin and make an additional request using the GetMarketCapsAsyncFromCoinRequest method to get the market cap or rank data for that particular coin.
By following this example, you should be able to get the market cap or market cap rank of a coin using the Binance C
API in your .NET application. Remember to account for any errors that may occur during the request and handle them accordingly.