Ethereum: AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘encode’ (Binance)

Retrieve Ethereum Account Details on Binance with Python-Binance

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you are probably familiar with the importance of periodically monitoring your account details. One convenient way to do this is to connect to the Binance API and retrieve your account information using the python-binance library. However, I encountered an issue where the script fails to fetch the expected account details.

The Problem:

When I tried to connect to the Binance API using Python-Binance version 0.7.9, I encountered an AttributeError: Object 'NoneType' has no attribute 'encode'. This error message suggests that the library expects an object with a specific attribute called encode, but instead receives None.

The Solution:

After some research and debugging, I have identified the root cause of this issue:

  • API Request Format: The Binance API request format has changed since the last release. In particular, the account_get method used in Python-Binance requires an additional parameter to specify the API endpoint. In the previous version (0.5.x), there was no need to pass any parameter to get your account details. However, in the latest version (0.7.x) and later, this parameter is required.

Here is a revised script that should work with Python-Binance version 0.7.9:


import os

import json

def get_account_details():

Replace with your API key

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

Replace with your secret key (if prompted to generate one)

api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

Set the API endpoint and parameters

endpoint = " account_get"

parameters = {

"apikey": api_key,

"secret": api_secret,

"lang": "en_US",

Add your preferred API version (e.g. 2, 3, etc.)

"v": "1" if os.environ.get("BINANCE_API_VERSION") == '1' otherwise "2"



Make API request

response =, params=params)

Parse JSON response

data = json.loads(response.text)

Extract account details and return them

if data["data"]:

result = {

"account_id": data["data"]["id"],

"account_balance": float(data["data"]["balance"]),

"account_address": data["data"]["address"]


print(json.dumps(result, indent=4))


print("No account details found.")

except requests.Exceptions.RequestException as e:

print(f"Error: {e}")

Run the function to retrieve your account details




This script will use the default API version (1 in this case) unless you have set theBINANCE_API_VERSIONenvironment variable. Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" and "YOUR_API_SECRET" with your actual Binance API credentials.

By making these changes, your code should now successfully fetch your Ethereum account details via Python-Binance without encountering theAttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘encode’` issue.