Ethereum: c++ “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘curl/curl.h’: No such file or directory”

I can provide you with an article about why you are seeing this error along with possible solutions.

Ethereum: Fatal Error C1083 cannot open include file: ‘Curl/Curl.H’: No file or directory

As a developer who works on a project that uses the Binance C ++ library, you may have found a problem where you are receiving a “Fatal Error C1083: You cannot open the file: ‘Curl/Curl.H’: No file or file directory “. This error is caused by the curl library cannot find your header files.

The curl library is often used to make HTTP requests in C ++ applications and requires specific headers to be included. In this case, the problem arises from the attempt to include the header file curl/curl.h directly without specifying the correct paths.

Possible solutions

To solve this problem, you need to specify the correct path to the Curl/Curl.h header file using the option-i when compiling your code or including the header file manually in your home files. Here are some possible solutions:

Ethereum: c++

Solution 1: Specify the correct path

You can modify your makefile (or your construction script) to specify the correct path to curl/curl.h. For example, let’s assume that you are using a makefile generated by a tool like Cmake:


Cflags = -i/path/to (cure)/include


In this case, replace /path/to (curl)/ by the real directory containing your header file curl/curl.h. This will ensure that the correct headers are included when compiling their code.

Solution 2: Include the header file manually

You can also include the curl/curl.h header file in your home files using the option-i:




However, this method is less preferred as it requires manual effort and can lead to errors if not done correctly.

Solution 3: Use a Cmake configuration file

If you are using a Cmake -based project, you can create a cmakelists.txt file (or a lockcmake_minimum_required (version)) that sets your project with the correct paths:


cmake_minimum_required (version 3.10)

Project (MyProject)

add_library (mylib main.cpp)

Target_link_libraries (mylib curl)


In this case, you can include the header file curl/curl.h manually in your source files using:


#include “curl/curl.h”



The error you are seeing probably should be the incorrect path specification for the header file curl/curl.h. When you modify your makefile or include the header file manually, you can solve this problem and keep working on your project.

To avoid this type of error in the future, it is essential to carefully review the documentation for each library and structure you are using and make sure you are specifying the right paths when needed.

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