Ethereum: using Binance Api for wallet address verification

Verification of the User Wallet Address with Binance API

As a Developer, IT is Essential to Ensure That Users Enter Their Wallet Addresses Correctly Duration the Creation of Accounts. One way to achieve this is to verify the user wallet address using the binance api.

In this article, we will explore how to use the binance api to verify a user’s wallet address and avoid incorrect tickets.

Previous Requirements

  • A Binance API Key

  • A Binance Developer Account (For Trial Purposes)

  • The Direction of the USDT Binance Wallet

Step 1: Configure Credentials of the Binance API

To start, you must configure your binance api credentials. You can do this creating a new account in the [Binance Developer Portal] (

For this example, we will use the following api keys:

  • API_Key: replace with your real api key (make sure it is not sensitive)

  • API_Secret: Replace Your Real API Secret

Step 2: Create A Function to Verify the Address of the Wallet

Ethereum: using Binance Api for wallet address verification

Create A New JavaScript File (for Example, Walletify.js) and add the following code:


Const Binance = Request ('Binance-Opi');

// Your Binance API Credentials

Const api_key = 'your_api_key';

Consta api_secret = 'your_api_secret';

// Configure The Binance API Instance

Const Binance = New Binance ({{{{

Key: API_Key,

Secret: API_Secret,


// function to verify the wallet address

Async Verifywalletaddress (Walletaddress) {

attempt {

// Verify the User Wallet Address Using the Binance API

Conste results = Alat binance.verifywalletaddress (walletaddress);

if (results) {

Console.log (wallet address $ {walletaddress} is correct ‘);

} Others {

Console.error (wallet address $ {walletaddress} is incorrect ');


} Cap (Error) {

Console.error (error);



// Example Use

Verifywalletaddress ('your_binance_usdt_wallet_address');

Step 3: Call the Function Duration Registration

When a user registers, he can call the verifywalletaddress to verify his wallet address. You can do this using a JavaScript Library Such As [React or Angular] (

Here is a fragment or example code in React:


import react, {usestate} or 'react';

Registrup function () {

Const [Walletaddress, Setwalletaddress] = Usstate ('');

Const by Handleinputche = (e) => {

setwalletaddress (;


Async Handlesbmit function () {

attempt {

// call the verifywalletaddress function

Wait Verifywalletaddress (Balletaddress);

// Create A New User Account with Verified Wallet Direction

Console.log (user created with $ {walletaddress} wallet address’);

} Cap (Error) {

Console.error (error);



Return (





Verify the user wallet addresses using the binance api is an excellent way to guarantee the accuracy of the data and avoid incorrect inputs. Following thesis steps, you can create a robust registration system that verifies the wallet addresses correct.

Remember to Replace Your Real API Credentials with your own Keys. In Addition, Take Into Account Security Implications When Verifying Confidential Information Such As Wallet Addresses.

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