Metamask: How do I make a crypto browser extension like metamask?

Building a crypto browser extension with metamask: a step-by-step guide

Are you interested in Creating A Crypto Browser Extension Similar to Metamask, A Popular Web Extension That Allows Users to Interact With Decentralized Applications (Dexs) and Buy Non-Fungible tokens (NFTS)? In this article, We’ll guide you through the process of building a basic metamask-like extension. We’ll cover the necessary steps and resources to get started.

What is Metamask?

Before Diving Into The Process, Let’s Quickly Review What Metamask Offers:

  • Sign Transactions on Dexs

  • Buy NFTS Using Cryptocurrency

  • Manage Private Keys Securely

Why build a crypto browser extension?

Creating a browser extension like metamask can be an exciting project. Here are some benefits:

* Extend your browser experience : Add new features and functionality to your existing browser.

* Educational Value : demonstrate the importance of cryptography and secure wallet management for crypto users.

* Community engagement : Attract interest from potential users who may appreciate a native extension.

Getting Started: Setting Up Your Development Environment

To build a Metamask-Like Extension, You’ll Need:

  • node.js : Install node.js (Version 14 or higher) on your computer and set up a development environment.

  • Webpack

    Metamask: How do I make a crypto browser extension like metamask?

    : use webpack to bundle your code Into a single file for distribution.

  • Babel : Convert ES6+ Syntax to ES5 Syntax, If Necessary.

Step-by-Step guide to building your extension

We’ll use the following steps as a starting point:

Step 1: Set up your development Environment

Create a New Directory for your Extension and Initialize It Using NPM Init. Install node.js and requested packages:


NPM Install --G @Types/Node Webpackbabel -Loader

Step 2: Create A New File Structure

Organize your code Into the following files:

  • Manifest.json (Extension Metadata)

  • Webpack.config.js (Webpack Configuration)

  • SRC/Extension.js (Your Browser Extension Implementation)

Step 3: Implement Transaction Signing and Dex Integration

In SRC/Extension.js, Create A Function to Sign Transactions:


import * as web3 from ‘web3’;

Const Web3 = New Web3 (Window.etherum);

// Example Usage: Sign A Transaction on Dex

Function sign transaction (Address, Data) {

Return web3.eth.sign transaction ({

to: Address,

Value: web3.utils.towei (Data, ‘Ether’),

Gas Limit: 21000,

}). then ((signed transaction) => signed transaction.raw)


// Example Usage: Handle User Interaction with the Dex

document.getelementbyid (‘Dex-Intro’). Addeventlistener (‘click’, () => {{

Contress = prompt (‘Enter your Ethereum Address’);

Const Data = prompt (‘Enter Transaction Data (E.G., ABI Call)’);

sign transaction (Address, Data) .Then ((Signedtx) => {

// Handle Signed Transaction Submission on the Dex




Step 4: Integrate with Web3 Provider

In Manifest.json, ADD Metadata for Your Extension:



"Name": "Metamask Extension",

"Version": "1.0.0",

"description": "A browser extension to sign transactions on dexs and buy nfts using cryptocurrency",

"Author": "Your name",

"Content_Scripts": [


"Matches": [""],

"JS": ["SRC/Extension.js"]


"", ","

"Permissions": ["ActiveTab"]


Step 5: Build Your Extension

Create a new file Webpack.config.js to configure webpack:


Const Path = Require (‘Path’);

Const Webpack = Require (‘Webpack’);

module.exports = {

// … Other Configuration …

Entry: ‘./src/extension.js’,

output: {

filename: ‘Extension.js’,

Path: Path.Join (__ Immername, ‘Dist’),


Module: {

Rules: [


Test: /\.