Metamask: Payment URL/metamask deeplink does not work for transferring USDT in Arbitrum network

Metamk Deplink problem: the payment URL does not work to transfer USDT in the arbitration network


Metamask: Payment URL/metamask deeplink does not work for transferring USDT in Arbitrum network

The Metamask application is a popular decentralized application platform (DAPP) that allows users to interact with several blockchain networks, including the referee. In this article, we will explore the question of using the Payment URL/Metamkink Metamkink provided by the METAMASK application to transfer USDT (Tether USD) on the arbitrators network.


When it generates a payment URL in the Metamk application, it is usually seen: https: //

This deep link is used to start an asset transfer from your wallet to the network of referees. However, in this case, we are trying to use it to transfer USDT.

The problem

Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with the use of the Payment URL/Metamk Deplink to transfer USDT in the arbitrators network. The problem lies in thedirection ‘parameter of Deplink.

The solution

To solve this problem, you must change the value of the direction `to a specific direction that corresponds to its USDT balance in the arbitra network.

Here are some steps to follow:

  • Find the USDT balance : First, you must find out what address is used for your USDT balance in the arbitrators network. You can do this verifying the block chain or using a tool such as the “account” metamask function.

  • Change Deplink’s address : Once you have found the right address, you can change it to the one provided in the Payment URL/METAMASK DEEPLINK.

Here are some example directions for the balance of USDT in the referee:

  • 0x ... (for example, 0x … 5c9 … 3d8 …)

  • `0xef9 … 0bf2 …)

Replace these with your real address to transfer the USDT.


The Payment URL/MetamK Deplink to transfer USDT in the network of referees does not work as expected. To solve this problem, you must change the value of the ‘address’ parameter to a specific address that corresponds to its USDT balance in the arbitrators network.

I hope this article has helped solve the problem with the use of the Payment URL/Metamkink to transfer USDT in the referee network. If you have more questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask!